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The Nine Books of the History of Herodotus: Translated From the Text of Thomas Gaisford, Wit... by Peter Edmund Laurent, Thoma... ISBN: 9781296649098 List Price: $28.95
Ethnicity and Identity in Herodotus by Figueira, Thomas, Soares, C... ISBN: 9781138631113 List Price: $149.95
Adnotationes Wesselingii, Valckenaerii, Larcheri, Schweighaeuseri Aliorumque in Herodot Hist... by Gaisford, Thomas, Wesseling... ISBN: 9781348025252 List Price: $28.95
Herodotou Halikarnesseos Historion Logoi 9. Historiarum Libri 9. Codicem Sancrofti Manuscrip... by Herodotus, Gaisford, Thomas... ISBN: 9781362947196 List Price: $20.95
Herodotou Halikarnesseos Historion Logoi 9. Historiarum Libri 9. Codicem Sancrofti Manuscrip... by Herodotus, Gaisford, Thomas... ISBN: 9781362947073 List Price: $18.95
Herodotou Halikarnesseos Historion Logoi 9. Historiarum Libri 9. Codicem Sancrofti Manuscrip... by Herodotus, Gaisford, Thomas... ISBN: 9781362947097 List Price: $28.95
Herodotou Halikarnesseos Historion Logoi 9. Historiarum Libri 9. Codicem Sancrofti Manuscrip... by Herodotus, Gaisford, Thomas... ISBN: 9781362947219 List Price: $29.95
Herodotou Halikarnesseos Historion Logoi 9. Historiarum Libri 9. Codicem Sancrofti Manuscrip... by Herodotus, Gaisford, Thomas... ISBN: 9781362948759 List Price: $20.95
Herodotou Halikarnesseos Historion Logoi 9. Historiarum Libri 9. Codicem Sancrofti Manuscrip... by Herodotus, Gaisford, Thomas... ISBN: 9781362948773 List Price: $29.95
Herodotou Halikarnesseos Historion Logoi 9. Historiarum Libri 9. Codicem Sancrofti Manuscrip... by Herodotus, Gaisford, Thomas... ISBN: 9781362947370 List Price: $19.95
Herodotou Halikarnesseos Historion Logoi 9. Historiarum Libri 9. Codicem Sancrofti Manuscrip... by Herodotus, Gaisford, Thomas... ISBN: 9781362947387 List Price: $29.95
Interpreting Herodotus by Harrison, Thomas, Irwin, El... ISBN: 9780198803614 List Price: $115.00
Nine Books of the History of Herodotus, Vol. 1 Of 2 : Translated from the Text of Thomas Gai... by Laurent, Peter Edmund ISBN: 9780282293703 List Price: $16.57
The Nine Books of the History of Herodotus, Vol. 2 of 2: Translated from the Text of the REV... by Herodotus, Herodotus, Herod... ISBN: 9781334047428 List Price: $16.57
The Nine Books of the History of Herodotus: Translated from the Text of Thomas Gaisford, wit... by Peter Edmund Laurent, Thoma... ISBN: 9780343747619 List Price: $31.95
The Nine Books of the History of Herodotus: Translated From the Text of Thomas Gaisford, Wit... by Laurent, Peter Edmund, Pete... ISBN: 9781375463218 List Price: $18.95
Notes on Herodotus by Gaisford, Thomas ISBN: 9781231145913 List Price: $34.89
Herodotou Halikarnesseos Historion Logoi 9 Historiarum Libri 9 Codicem Sancrofti Manuscriptu... by Herodotus, Gaisford, Thomas ISBN: 9781149396964 List Price: $34.75
Herodotou Halikarnesseos Historion Logoi 9 Historiarum Libri 9 Codicem Sancrofti Manuscriptu... by Herodotus, Gaisford, Thomas ISBN: 9781149396971 List Price: $39.75
The Nine Books of the History of Herodotus: Translated from the Text of Thomas Gaisford, wit... by Peter Edmund Laurent, Thoma... ISBN: 9780343747626 List Price: $47.95
Nine Books of the History of Herodotus : Translated from the Text of Thomas Gaisford, with N... by Laurent, Peter Edmund, Gais... ISBN: 9781017119879 List Price: $21.95
Nine Books of the History of Herodotus : Translated from the Text of Thomas Gaisford, with N... by Laurent, Peter Edmund, Gais... ISBN: 9781017114683 List Price: $32.95
Ethnicity and Identity in Herodotus by Figueira, Thomas, Soares, C... ISBN: 9781032337210
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